The Women Around the Messenger #2

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A power-packed course that revolves around the life and times of the women around Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Who is the course for?

If you want to be inspired by the phenomenal women in our Islamic history, who were in the company of our dear Prophet ﷺ and apply these valuable lessons in your life, then this course is for you.

What will I learn?

  1. To know the biographies of these blessed women, who are the best of all women and our mothers.
  2. To learn from their example and follow them as role models.
  3. To dispel some of the misconceptions surrounding the Prophet’s marriages to his wives.
  4. To learn from the Prophetic example on how to be the best of husbands and wives.


Shaykh Muhammad West

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Ratings and Reviews

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8 Ratings
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Posted 4 years ago
Concise and well written

Concise and well written My dream was to find a one stop place simple yet informative for history about the great women in Islam and the sahabiyaat … I’m so excited to finish this course

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Safae Chaibi
Posted 4 years ago
the most important thing is the purification of the soul since it educates us allows us to act in a good way in our daily life

may ALLAH reward you, its allows you to follow a right path and show us how to learn the religion

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Shamila banu
Posted 4 years ago
Maa Shaa Allah

Alhamdulillah have learnt, and interested in learning more and more . In Shaa Allah.

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Aisha Adam
Posted 4 years ago
Highly recommend this course for both men & women.

What an amazing course! May Allah bless the entire team of seedsofguidance & all scholars. Course was exceptionally taught, easy to follow. Enjoyed learning about these honourable women.

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Iara Silva
Posted 4 years ago

Thanks for these lectures, have learned a lot with them.

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Muniru Lakine Al-Hassan
Posted 4 years ago

Alhamdulillah I ask Allah's blessings and guidance upon our compilers of this grate work. I know I find myself here through the guidance of Allah. May Allah guide all Muslims on the globe and grant us highest level in Jannah

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Posted 4 years ago
An interesting and educating course!

May Allaah SWT bless all the souls that compiled this course and those who contributed in one way or the other to its success, aamin

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Posted 4 years ago
Very eeducative

The course was very educative and easy to understand. I'm very happy I took it. I really learnt a lot about our mothers. The fact that it's Audio is so perfect, you can listen to it whenever you like. May Allah bless everyone who made this course available.

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