Islamic Psychology in Modern Life

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Theory and Practice for all. Tutor: Dr TK Harris MD, Neuropsychiatrist

Learning Objectives:

  • Know what the parts of the mind in Islamic psychology, and how this relates to happiness.
  • Use this structure to describe how mind works in everyday, realtime situations.
  • Describe the qualities of Islamic concepts: Nafs (Emotions), Aql (Intellect) and Qalb (Heart)
  • Understand how wellbeing and good conduct are forged from the Islamic model.
  • Apply this learning to a real-life situation of overthinking ( also known as obsessional thoughts or was-was)

Learner Requirements:

No prior experience required.

About the typical learner:

  • You want to understand Islamic approaches to living well. You don’t need prior experience.
  • You’re curious about how to improve your own mental wellbeing or for others in your life.
  • You’re interested in mental health for your own learning or for your professional or academic needs.
  • You want be effective in understanding how Islamic psychology works in personal or professional life.
  • You’re aware of great speakers Mufti Menk, Nouman Ali Khan, Omar Suleiman or Yasmine Moghahed, and want to take your understanding to a deeper level.


Ancient traditions are coming back in a big way. They are timeless, and deal with the human condition very sympathetically.

Islamic psychology is surprisingly related in its origins to modern psychology and medicine. In fact, the world’s first psychiatric hospital was founded in medieval times by a doctor called Al-Razi, and many of its treatments would be recognised in a modern setting, including counselling, exercise, meditation and so on.

In this course, which is the first and only of its kind on Seeds of Guidance, Islam meets modern science in describing the essence of mental health and real-world contentment across all areas of life. Gain a full understanding of how your mind works. Increase your mental wellbeing using the concept of Tharwatul Qalb, or Mental Wealth, which cuts across all aspects of mental health, from illness right through to exceptional performance and noble conduct (Akhlaaq). Understand the emotions (Nafs), Intellect (Aql), and the Highest self or True self (Qalb). 

Dr TK Harris is a retired neuropsychiatrist who trained in medicine in Oxford and went on to work in a clinical career for 20 years at the highest level- consultant neuropsychiatrist. A long time friend of Mufti Menk, he began writing groundbreaking books that combined Islamic and secular (academic) psychology. He has published seven books so far, three of which were Amazon best sellers in the Islamic Books category.

This course takes the mystery out of the mind, and gives the learner the tools needed to understand it clearly. We will cover a very relevant, working model of psychology and mental health that can be used to help oneself or others. Suitable for learners at all levels, from the lay person up to academic students and professionals who want to broaden their understanding and discover some genuinely useful tools that can be applied in any situation.

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Course Content

Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Human Emotions and Instincts
Module 3: The Intellect
Module 4: The True Self Qalb or Heart
Module 5: Applying Islamic Psychology

Ratings and Reviews

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49 Ratings
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Posted 1 month ago
Nafs and how it dominates our reasoning

I love everything about the course. JazākumuLlāhu khayrā.

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Posted 2 months ago

One will get to know his true self, by in-depth thinking and reflection of his thoughts. Hasty and harsh decisions that lead to regrets will be easily avoided on completion of the course. Jazakallah Khairan!!

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Posted 2 months ago
that you should take decission carefully

make it more attractive for children so it will be interesting

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Posted 2 months ago
want to be an islamic counsellor to cure people with quran and sunnah Guide me in that

i like everything about this course , quizes ,videos and all the lectures

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Posted 2 months ago
Nafs , Qalb and Aqidah

I enjoyed this class Algumdulilah every module was a new learning experience and in layman's teams but withalot of intellectual grab. I also appreciate that a course of this standard has been made available to us. I enjoyed the videos is made the understanding every easy and also great to remember while seeing what you speaking about Shukran Jazeelan Barakallah feek i am looking forward to the nex

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Tasneem Aboobaker
Posted 3 months ago
5 star rating

Excellently explained

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Adnan khan
Posted 3 months ago

it was a good short course for taking a view inside us as what drives us to certain action

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insha bashir
Posted 3 months ago
it is definately a hidden diamond..

I just loved this website with perfect content...

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Posted 4 months ago
Nafs, Aql, Qalb

Subhanallah I liked everything & disliked nothing; Yaqeen seeds of guidance.

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